Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Of Wikipedia and WoW...

Last post of the semester. Scary.

To end the semester, I read the article "The Book Stops Here" by Daniel H. Pink. It is a fascinating discussion of the rise and growth of Wikipedia. The fact that Wikipedia has exploded to such an enormous degree that the Encyclopedia Britannica feels threatened amuses me greatly. That something as huge as Wikipedia could develop from entirely voluntary contributions, and remain open to all to add to, yet stay, for the most part, accurate, is mind-boggling. UserFriendly, an online geeky comic strip, actually has featured both the Britannica/Wikipedia rivalry, and the fact that anyone can add/edit entries on Wikipedia (check out Dec 9-12 cartoons). Both spot-on. At this point in time, I'll usually go to Wikipedia before I hit a printed encyclopedia, at least for general information. If I'm just curious about something, odds are pretty good that the wiki information will be sufficient, and probably accurate enough.

On an entirely different note, I figured I'd bookend my blog for the semester with an update on my WoW characters, just like I started the semester with. Jamoyah, my paladin, is level 70 now, and has picked up her epic flying mount. Here's a pic of her with her new ride (plus my current UI, which I know I said I'd post a pic of.)

Oooo, ahhhh. Starstalker, my hunter, has also hit level 70. It actually took far less time to get him up, since I was already familiar with some of the quests, plus he had plenty of rested bonus to work with. That really speeds things up.

Apotheosis (my guild) is currently working on Karazhan and Gruul's Lair. We're up through the chess event in Kara (working on Shade of Aran currently), and we've killed High King Maulgar in Gruul's. Best attempt on Gruul himself was 47%. We've still got some learning to do, but we're having a blast with all the new content.

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